What learning to play the piano reminded me about software engineering

A couple of months ago I decided I wanted to learn a bit more about music so I decided to learn how to play the piano. This is an entirely new world for me, as I have practically zero prior knowledge. Little did I know then of how similar my experience was going to be to when I started writing code!

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The Divergent Tech Lead

Some time ago I decided to do a little research in an attempt to figure out which are the most often requested skills that a Tech Lead is expected to have. If you are interested in that post, it’s here.

Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on Pexels.com

Back then I was not surprised to see that there isn’t a universal set of skills that a Tech Lead is expected to have. Quite the opposite actually, different people perceive the role in different ways and have quite different expectations. This has led me in a definition I call the Divergent Tech Lead. But let’s start from the beginning …

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Go routines and thread safe data structures

A simple definition of Go routines is found the “Tour of Go” section about concurrency:

a Go routine is a lightweight thread managed by the Go runtime

Now if you have not come across threads before, threads is a way for a program to run parts of itself in some sort of concurrent way. In this post we are going to examine the differences between running a program sequentially, using Go routines and Wait Groups and we are going to talk about thread safe access to a data structure. So… Let’s get started 💪!

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5 things to sort out as a multi-lingual software engineer

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Writing code and building software is fun no matter which language one uses. But what we have found is that there is no “language to rule them all”. There are a number of languages out there each with its own quirks, strengths and weaknesses and that’s just amazing.

So where does that leave us as software engineers? We will probably need to pick up more than one languages as we go along, but what’s the best way to go about that?

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Variable scopes and shadowing in Go

Photo by Eneida Nieves on Pexels.com

A lot of things in life are a matter of perspective and visibility and the same applies to variables in Go 😅. But what is a variable’s scope, how is it defined and what does it mean to shadow a variable in Go?

Let’s (very) loosely say that the scope of a variable declares where this variable is visible from ie. if we have declared a variable at the top of the file then it’s visible from within the entire code of that file.

We can go even deeper than that though and we can break this question down into Go specific terms.

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Sorting in Go using Bubble sort

Go has its own package for handing sorting – called “sort” but in this post we are going to use the Go language to implement a sorting algorithm called Bubble sort.

Problem definition: Given a slice of integers sort them in ascending order

Bubble sort is an iterative comparison algorithm that sorts the elements by swapping them around if they are out of order. If a larger element comes before a smaller one => swap them and move on to the next position of the array.

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